Monday, November 13, 2006

the long and winding road

Click on the above image and watch it bigger: it's much better!
It's my long and winding road to home. I've driven on it a million times and, probably, I've never watched it.... I just needed a shot taken while driving in a winding mid-autumn day to appreciate the beauty of a non-sense non-place: I mean, there's nothing special, it's just a piece of road in a western province, lost at boudaries of reality. But it's a road, it's my road and it takes about 5 minutes to get it through by car. And I do that every day, at least twice. It must have a meaning....

Sunday, November 12, 2006

my monkey

adopt your own virtual pet!

my monkey need to be fed. Click on 'more' and play with her!

Friday, November 10, 2006

the village

Sunday, November 05, 2006

the biker

I am very proud of this picture! It's been taken by my girlfriend after a long afternoon ride in India. The funniest part of it is that it was the first time I drove a motorbike.... I've never driven more than a moped before. And if you ever been to India you know what's driving the wrong side (the left side) in a road plenty of craters and one footh speed breakes and where nobody respects any road rule. But it was great and I felt cool because of the wind among my hair, under that big sun, among fields, temples and sadhus.... Anyway it's my way to see the world while I'm driving my first motorbike miles away from home....

If you ever go to India for a ride remember to take an eyes on the porks that are waiting for tourists before crossing the street!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

unity is strength

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the west is the best

"The west is the best" said Jim Morrison in "The End". Well, I have to say: yes it is!

Do you think it's a set? No it's the west life! If you go and see that useless piece of land between New York and Los Angeles you'll find that there exists a world that many of us believe it's dead. Well, Elvis is sound and safe and cowboys and Indians, as well. Everything it's big, wonderful and as free as the wind. You'll love it especially if you like spaghetti westerns. Even the white trash way of life it's not so bad... As for me I like it!

foggy cliffs